The format for citing works in Ottoman and Arabic languages in footnotes: | |
First Reference1 | Author’s First Name and Last Name, Title of Book, ed. Editor’s First Name and Last Name, Printing Number (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication; Vol: Page Number. |
Subsequent References2 | Author’s Last Name, Title of Book, Vol: Page Number. |
- Taşköprizâde Ahmed Efendi, Miftâḥu’s-saʿâde ve miṣbâḥu’s-siyâde fî mevżûʿâti’l-ʿulûm, Ed. Abdülvehhâb Ebü’n-Nûr – Kâmil Kâmil Bekrî, Third Printing (Kahire: Dârü’l-kütübi’l-hadis, 1968; 3: 142.
- Taşköprizâde Ahmed Efendi, Miftâḥu’s-saʿâde, 2: 162.
- Ebû İshâk İbrâhim b. İsmâil es-Saffâr, Telḫîṣü’l-edille li-ḳavâʿidi’t-tevḥîd, Ed. Hişâm İbrâhim Mahmûd (Kâhire: Dâru’s-Selâm, 1431/2010; 1: 43-57.
- Saffâr, Telḫîṣü’l-edille, 1: 52.
- Sa‘deddîn et-Teftâzânî, Şerḥu’l-ʿAḳāʾidi’n-Nesefiyye, ed. Ahmed Hicâzî es-Sekkā (Kahire: Mektebetü’l-Külliyyâtü’l-Ezheriyye, 1408/1988; 43.
- Teftâzânî, Şerḥu’l-ʿAḳāʾid, 73.
The format for citing works in Ottoman and Arabic languages in bibliography: | |
Bibliography | Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Ed. Editor’s First Name and Last Name. Printing Number. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. |
Taşköprizâde Ahmed Efendi. Miftâḥu’s-saʿâde ve miṣbâḥu’s-siyâde fî mevżûʿâti’l-ʿulûm. Ed. Abdülvehhâb Ebü’n-Nûr – Kâmil Kâmil Bekrî. Third Printing. Vol 3. Kahire: Dârü’l-kütübi’l-hadis, 1968.
Saffâr, Ebû İshâk İbrâhim b. İsmâil. Telḫîṣü’l-edille li-ḳavâʿidi’t-tevḥîd. Ed. Hişâm İbrâhim Mahmûd. Vol 2. Kâhire: Dâru’s-Selâm, 1431/2010.
Teftâzânî, Sa‘deddîn. Şerḥu’l-ʿAḳāʾidi’n-Nesefiyye. Ed. Ahmed Hicâzî es-Sekkā. Kahire: Mektebetü’l-Külliyyâtü’l-Ezheriyye, 1408/1988.