Hours, amount of money, measurement and statistical data are written in numbers:
Example: at 17.30 | 1.500.000 Tl | 150 kilometres | 15 meters’ fabric | 1.250.000 people
When writing percentage and thousandth marks, leave no space between the number and the mark:
Example: 25% | 50%
Numbers can be written as words:
Example: since the Millennium | fourteen days | fifth day of the week | quarterly | one hundred questions
The words thousand, million, billion and trillion are written as words for the sake of easy reading of four or more-digit numbers:
Example: 1 billion 500 million people | 3 thousands 55 items / 8 trillion 412 billion.
Numbers consisting of multiple words are written separately:
Example: two hundred / three hundred sixty-five | one thousand two hundred fifty-one
Distributive numerals are indicated as words:
Example: two by two | nine by nine | hundred by hundred.[1]
- Turkish Language Authority (TDK), “Spelling rules” (Accessed 16 April 2019) ↑