13.2. Dissertation & Thesis-Master

In the ISNAD Citation Style, titles of dissertation & thesis are preferred to be italic. It is also preferred to indicate the type of thesis as “Master’s Thesis” instead of “Unpublished Master’s Thesis”.

First Reference Author’s First and Last Name, Title of Thesis (City: Name of University, Institute, Master’s Thesis, Year), Page Number.
Example Recep Eren, Mâtürîdî’nin Müteşâbih Âyetlere Yaklaşımı (Sivas: Cumhuriyet University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master’s Thesis, 2017), 45.

Stephen Edward Eskildsen, The Beliefs and Practices of Early Ch’üan-Chen Taoism (Canada: The University of British Columbia, The Faculty of Graduate Studies, Master’s Thesis, 1989), 45.

Subsequent References Author’s Last Name, Title of Thesis or Short Title, Page Number.
Example Eren, Mâtürîdî’nin Müteşâbih Âyetlere Yaklaşımı, 145-147.

Eskildsen, The Beliefs and Practices of Early Ch’üan-Chen Taoism, 67-69.

Bibliography Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Thesis. City: Name of University, Institute, Master’s Thesis, Year. (if available) URL
Example Eren, Recep. Mâtürîdî’nin Müteşâbih Âyetlere Yaklaşımı. Sivas: Cumhuriyet University, Institute of Social Sciences, Master’s Thesis, 2017.

Eskildsen, Stephen Edward. The Beliefs and Practices of Early Ch’üan-Chen Taoism. Canada: The University of British Columbia, The Faculty of Graduate Studies, Master’s Thesis, 1989.https://open.library.ubc.ca/ cIRcle/collections/ubctheses/831/items/1.0097774


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