9. Archival Sources

In Ottoman Archives (BOA) there are correspondances of Ottoman governmental institutions between the center and provinces from the foundation of the Ottoman Empire to the beginning of the Turkish Republic. In Republican Archives (BCA) there are documents belong to National Independence, Parliamentary Governments and National Republic periods. Abbreviations of the register names must be done according to the codes stated by Directorate of State Archives. Codes are accessible in “Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi Rehberi” (Guide of Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives).[1]

Register Register Code
Mühimme-i Asâkir Defterleri A.DVNS.ASK.MHM.d

Example BOA, Osmanlı Arşivi. Mühimme-i Asâkir Defterleri [A.DVNS.ASK.MHM.d]. no. 989, Folder no. 7. https://katalog.devletarsivleri.gov.tr

BOA, Osmanlı Arşivi. Bâb-ı Âsafî- Âmedî Kalemi [A.(AMD)]. no. 16, Folder no. 72. https://katalog.devletarsivleri.gov.tr

BOA, Osmanlı Arşivi. Düvel-i Ecnebiye Belgeleri [A.DVN.DVE]. no. 976. https://katalog.devletarsivleri.gov.tr

  • When saving this type of publication to programs such as EndNote and Zotero, Title of Archive name is saved in the “Title/Title” field and The Register Code is saved in the “short title/short Title” field.
    1. İskender Türe – Salim Kaynar, Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi Rehberi (İstanbul: Devlet Arşivleri Genel Müdürlüğü, 4. Basım, 2017.


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