37. Photograph-Digital

First Reference … (Photographer’s Last Name, Photograph, Year).
Example … (Pancar, Photograph, 2019).
Subsequent References … (Photographer’s Last Name, Photograph, Year).
Example … (Pancar, Photograph, 2019).
Direct References … (Photographer’s Last Name, Photograph, Year).
Example … (Pancar, Photograph, 2019).
Bibliography Photographer’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Work (Photograph, Year). Website. Access Day Month Year. URL
Example Pancar, Sezgin. Mersin’deki Yumuktepe Höyüğü’nde Kazı Çalışmaları Sürüyor (Photograph, 2019). Anadolu Agency. Access 4 April 2019. https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/pg/foto-galeri/mersindeki-yumuktepe-hoyugunde-kazi-calismalari-suruyor/13
  • Photographs in print are cited in the category of Artwork and Historical Artifact.
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